2 mins lecture

“Women For Bees”: a Guerlain x UNESCO program that combines female entrepreneurship and bee preservation

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On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, Guerlain, in association with UNESCO and the Observatoire Français d’Apidologie (OFA), announced the official launch of a cutting-edge program on women’s beekeeping entrepreneurship: “Women for Bees”.


This 5-year program will take place in the heart of UNESCO biosphere reserves and will teach women beekeepers from around the world how to create and manage a sustainable beekeeping operation. These new entrepreneurs will thus be able to contribute to the development of local biodiversity and, in turn, work to transmit their knowledge.



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Une publication partagée par LVMH (@lvmh)


Thanks to this initiative, beekeeping will be able to generate significant income and improve the food security of disadvantaged populations. By 2025, the program plans to install 2,500 beehives in the heart of 25 UNESCO biosphere reserves, thus contributing to the repopulation of 125 million bees.


Angelina Jolie, muse of the House of Guerlain and godmother of the class of 2021, will meet the beekeepers and follow their progress throughout this first year. She says, “As women gain skills and knowledge, their instinct is to help others rise.”


In 2003, Angelina Jolie created the MJP Foundation in Cambodia, which is dedicated to reducing extreme rural poverty, preserving the environment and conserving wildlife. And it was also in Cambodia, in 2016 that the partnership between Angelina Jolie and Guerlain was born. She says, “Guerlain is authentically committed to sustainable development and the communities it interacts with. This is what brought us together and “Women for Bees” is a perfect example of that.



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Une publication partagée par Guerlain (@guerlain)


This program is part of the partnership initiated between UNESCO and LVMH.


Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO, said: “The program encourages women to be “designers of change” and aims to help them create, educate and experiment with sustainable beekeeping as a way to live on Earth in harmony with other species. This is the spirit of our commitment to biodiversity and the meaning of our global partnership with LVMH.


For more than 14 years, in the Name of Beauty, Guerlain has been committed to and acting for a more beautiful and sustainable world, with the Bee as its sentinel. A commitment motivated by a duty to act and to pass on the wonders of Nature to future generations. Véronique Courtois, President of Guerlain said: “I am very proud of the Guerlain x UNESCO “Women for Bees” program, which links two essential pillars: the preservation of bees and the empowerment of women. Every organization has a role to play in working towards a more beautiful and responsible world. Guerlain wants to do its part with as much humility as conviction.


Today, the Guerlain x UNESCO “Women for Bees” program aims to make a concrete contribution to the promotion of diversity, the protection of biodiversity and the inspiration of younger generations.



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« Women For Bees » : un programme Guerlain x UNESCO qui conjugue entrepreneuriat féminin et préservation des abeilles

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