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[Luxus+ Magazine] “Van gogh in America” : Detroit welcomes the dutch artist

The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) has been hosting one of the largest Van Gogh exhibitions of all time since October 2.


Van Gogh never saw America, but America did. And this new event, “Van Gogh in America,” gives the country a new opportunity to (re)discover this artist, as never before. After the Moma in 1935, this is the second time the country has had such a presentation of the Dutch painter’s works.


The exhibition reveals, among other things, the cultural rise of Van Gogh in the United States.


In 1922, the Detroit Institute of Arts became the first American museum to acquire a painting by the artist. At the time, Dutch Post-Impressionism was little known in the Americas, and the institution paid only 4 200 dollars (equivalent to about 75 000 dollars today) for a self-portrait. Today, paintings by the Dutch master go for tens of millions of dollars…


Click here to read the full article on Luxus Plus Magazine.


Featured photo : ©  Wikipedia / Detroit Institute of Arts

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