1 min de lecture

[THE LUXURY JOURNALS] Nathalie Remy : “Christofle is the oldest luxury start-up in the world”


Previously at McKinsey, where she co-founded and managed the “Fashion and Luxury” division, Nathalie Remy was able to reorganise the famous bicentenary tableware company in just a few months. A challenge taken up by the Managing Director, upon her appointment by the powerful Middle Eastern group Chalhoub in March 2018, while sales of the company, which specialises in goldsmithery, stagnated at around 70 million euros. Her mission is to awaken Christofle’s quiet strength.


In the midst of the Coronavirus health crisis, Luxus+ was able to speak by telephone with the 47-year-old Belgian director, mother of three children, to discuss about the serious structural changes of the French luxury goods company, which generates 80% of its sales abroad.


We are currently going through a period of unprecedented health crisis. What have been the consequences for Christofle’s activities?


Our workshop has been closed in Normandy, workers and sales staff in most of our countries are at a standstill, but the management teams continue to meet every day and work in virtual meetings to redefine the company’s processes. Our workshop has been closed in Normandy, workers and sales staff in most of our countries are at a standstill, but the management teams continue to meet every day and work in virtual meetings to redefine the company’s processes. Work is still in progress and we hope to make the most of the coming weeks to be even more prepared when the market starts up again.


What is certain is that more than ever before, we have realized the importance of digital technology during this period of lockdown, as it has totally disrupted labour codes.





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The editorial team

Thanks to its extensive knowledge of these sectors, the Luxus + editorial team deciphers for its readers the main economic and technological stakes in fashion, watchmaking, jewelry, gastronomy, perfumes and cosmetics, hotels, and prestigious real estate.

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Talents de Mode : the contest is postponed to next fall

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[The Luxury Journals] Nathalie Remy : « Christofle est la plus vieille start-up du luxe au monde »

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1 min de lecture

Nathalie (EN)


Previously at McKinsey, where she co-founded and managed the “Fashion and Luxury” division, Nathalie Remy was able to reorganise the famous bicentenary tableware company in just a few months. A challenge taken up by the Managing Director, upon her appointment by the powerful Middle Eastern group Chalhoub in March 2018, while sales of the company, which specialises in goldsmithery, stagnated at around 70 million euros. Her mission: to awaken Christofle’s quiet strength.

In the middle of the Coronavirus health crisis, Luxus+ was able to speak by telephone with the 47-year-old Belgian director, mother of three children, to discuss with her the profound structural transformation of the French luxury goods company, which generates 80% of its sales abroad.


The editorial team

Thanks to its extensive knowledge of these sectors, the Luxus + editorial team deciphers for its readers the main economic and technological stakes in fashion, watchmaking, jewelry, gastronomy, perfumes and cosmetics, hotels, and prestigious real estate.

Article précédent

Talents de Mode : the contest is postponed to next fall

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[THE LUXURY JOURNALS] Nathalie Remy : “Christofle is the oldest luxury start-up in the world”

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