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The French leather industry wants to spend 1,4 million euros to finance sanitary items


In an official press release published on Tuesday 7 April, the National Leather Council (CNC) announced that it would cover the cost of all masks and hydroalcoholic solutions for employees in the French Leather industry.


Many leather companies have ceased their activity because of the pandemic. Despite the total interruption of distribution channels, negotiations are under way between trade unions of companies in the sector and professional federations. In particular those of the tannery and the megisserie, the upstream sector that brings together those who work with the raw material of the hides to supply the leather specialists. The objective is the resumption of industrial activity, provided that sufficient health protection is provided to employees.


The CNC has announced that it has placed an order for 200,000 masks and 7,000 litres of hydroalcoholic solution. The confederation has announced that it will be able to go as high as 500,000 masks and 14,000 litres of hydroalcoholic solution depending on requirements, for an amount of up to 1.4 million euros.


For the production of these masks and hydroalcoholic solutions, the CNC has called upon two French groups: Chamatex, a textile company, and ATC Tannery Chemicals, a chemical company.


The first orders should arrive at the end of April and will therefore be distributed initially to the industrial companies in the sector.


These measures will thus enable the companies to resume economic activity and to prepare as well as possible for the end of the crisis. “The first concern of companies is to ensure the safety of employees. Then, when this provision is fulfilled, production will be able to restart, but a great unknown remains in the future behaviour of consumers,” explains Franck Boehly, President of the CNC.



Read also > Fashion and luxury : 480,000 alternative masks produced every day by French companies



Featured photo: © Patrick Alves[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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La filière française du cuir veut débloquer 1,4 million d’euros de financements pour du matériel de protection sanitaire

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