9 mins lecture

The Fashion & Luxury sector redefines its strategic objectives until 2027

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On the occasion of the Made in France Première Vision trade show, the Comité Stratégique de Filière (CSF) for Fashion and Luxury signed a second-generation contract with the ministers of culture and industry for the period 2023-2027. Here is a look at the contract’s main strategic directions.


A sector that testifies to its dynamism and the good cohesion of its players. On Wednesday, March 29, the Comité Stratégique de Filière (CSF) Mode et Luxe, chaired by Guillaume de Seynes (Hermès), signed the second generation of the committee’s contract with Rima Abdul-Malak, Minister of Culture, and Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry.


Gathered at the Made in France trade show, held at the Carreau du Temple in Paris on March 29 and 30, the ministers praised the commitment of the CSF Fashion and Luxury and all stakeholders. “Few industries in France are as organized as you are, with major players who ensure that small ones can emerge”, said Roland Lescure.


The Fashion and Luxury sector is one of the first to carry this second generation of contract. In January 2019, the CSF had already signed a first strategic agreement with Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance and Franck Riester, Minister of Culture.


“This new contract is not a revolution, but the continuation of the previous contract in its ambitions and objectives, and especially its collective effort”, Frédérique Gérardin, the CSF Fashion and Luxury’s general delegate, explained to FashionNetwork. “Above all, this contract brings a new impetus, with new ministers involved and new personalities who have emerged on the side of the industry. We are facing challenges that are part of the long term.”


Twelve objectives in four main areas are set by the contract, which will cover the period 2023-2027, resulting from a co-construction between the ministries of culture and industry and the CSF Fashion and Luxury.


“These measures are concrete and pragmatic levers to develop and support our sectors in an environmentally sustainable framework”, said CSF President Guillaume de Seynes.


Training and attractiveness of technical professions


The first part of the contract deals with training. The Fashion and Luxury sector seeks to fill more than 10,000 technical positions throughout the country each year. The CSF therefore wants to promote the attractiveness of positions through new communication campaigns, including “With the industry, we have a future to make”. The initiative, launched by the OPCO 2i, is budgeted at around 250,000 euros.


The preservation, transmission and perpetuation of know-how is another lever of this axis. The sector contract wishes to experiment with a “fixed price” approach to better deal with the retirement of know-how trainers. Today, these are experts who are considered to be the keys to success. It is also a question of establishing training plans within the sector and between sectors, taking into account the challenges of digital technology and sustainable development. A budget of 300,000 euros has been set until next June.


Companies supported and relocated


The second axis of the contract is the support of companies by Bpifrance. This involves continuing to develop “gas pedals”, specific support services for companies in the sector. This project, led by Bpifrance, the CPDE (professional committees for economic development) and federations, has a budget of 726,000 euros.


Bpifrance also wants to set up an “Objective Made in France” scheme to support relocation in the textile/clothing sector. Scheduled to last 6 to 9 months, it was launched as an experiment in 2022 with two brands and one manufacturer, and is being deployed in 2023 in 10 companies. Financed to the tune of 325,000 euros, the scheme is under the responsibility of the Défi, the Federations and the Maison du savoir-faire et de la création, which has emerged from the UFIMH (Union des industries de la mode et de l’habillement).


Decarbonation, traceability and display


Sustainable development is the third axis of the new strategic contract. It focuses first on decarbonization. Through a program piloted by the Union of Textile Industries (UIT) and the CPDE, the CSF wants to support manufacturers towards decarbonization, energy sobriety and better use of resources. The scheme, which is partly funded by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe), has a budget of 35,000 euros.


For traceability, the contract contains two measures. First, the dissemination of lessons learned from pilot projects, conducted in 2022 and 2023 under the direction of steering committee CSR Traceability of the sector. A summary will be published in January 2024. For 2023-2027, the sector also proposes to set up a support for the integration of traceability methods, to help remove the brakes on the scale of the sector. These two objectives will be financed by the CPDE.


With regard to environmental labelling, the Fashion and Luxury sector proposes to compare products according to different identified approaches. The aim is to ensure that the methods used for the display are relevant, objective, transparent and compatible with both SMEs and European regulations. The system is financed to the tune of 110,000 euros by Ademe, the CPDE and the CTI (industrial technical centers).


The final lever in this area is the monitoring of CSR regulations that are currently being developed. Under the direction of Eric Boël for the ITU and Frank Boehly for the CNC (Conseil national du cuir), this project aims to strengthen participation in national and European work in the development of public policies. A methodology project for calculating the recyclability of products is also planned, led by the eco-organization ReFashion.


Digital literacy


Digital technology is also part of the new strategic contract of the CSF Fashion and Luxury. The aim is to share information and digital intelligence to enable SMEs to increase their skills and gain competitiveness.


Under the governance of the IFTH (French Institute of Textiles and Clothing), the CTC and the Défi, the project is also animated via three-month rotating secretariats, to drive the team from “Solutions of the Future” (CSF), the Competitiveness Cluster of an academic referent (Mines, Carnot Institute). Dedicated and specific exchange modules on innovations or information should be created.


Read also >The Filière Française du Cuir launches its striking digital campaign, “Indestructible Cuir”

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On the occasion of the Made in France Première Vision trade show, the Comité Stratégique de Filière (CSF) for Fashion and Luxury signed a second-generation contract with the ministers of culture and industry for the period 2023-2027. Here is a look at the contract’s main strategic directions.


A sector that testifies to its dynamism and the good cohesion of its players. On Wednesday, March 29, the Comité Stratégique de Filière (CSF) Mode et Luxe, chaired by Guillaume de Seynes (Hermès), signed the second generation of the committee’s contract with Rima Abdul-Malak, Minister of Culture, and Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry.


Gathered at the Made in France trade show, held at the Carreau du Temple in Paris on March 29 and 30, the ministers praised the commitment of the CSF Fashion and Luxury and all stakeholders. “Few industries in France are as organized as you are, with major players who ensure that small ones can emerge”, said Roland Lescure.


The Fashion and Luxury sector is one of the first to carry this second generation of contract. In January 2019, the CSF had already signed a first strategic agreement with Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance and Franck Riester, Minister of Culture.


“This new contract is not a revolution, but the continuation of the previous contract in its ambitions and objectives, and especially its collective effort”, Frédérique Gérardin, the CSF Fashion and Luxury’s general delegate, explained to FashionNetwork. “Above all, this contract brings a new impetus, with new ministers involved and new personalities who have emerged on the side of the industry. We are facing challenges that are part of the long term.”


Twelve objectives in four main areas are set by the contract, which will cover the period 2023-2027, resulting from a co-construction between the ministries of culture and industry and the CSF Fashion and Luxury.


“These measures are concrete and pragmatic levers to develop and support our sectors in an environmentally sustainable framework”, said CSF President Guillaume de Seynes.


Training and attractiveness of technical professions


The first part of the contract deals with training. The Fashion and Luxury sector seeks to fill more than 10,000 technical positions throughout the country each year. The CSF therefore wants to promote the attractiveness of positions through new communication campaigns, including “With the industry, we have a future to make”. The initiative, launched by the OPCO 2i, is budgeted at around 250,000 euros.


The preservation, transmission and perpetuation of know-how is another lever of this axis. The sector contract wishes to experiment with a “fixed price” approach to better deal with the retirement of know-how trainers. Today, these are experts who are considered to be the keys to success. It is also a question of establishing training plans within the sector and between sectors, taking into account the challenges of digital technology and sustainable development. A budget of 300,000 euros has been set until next June.


Companies supported and relocated


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On the occasion of the Made in France Première Vision trade show, the Comité Stratégique de Filière (CSF) for Fashion and Luxury signed a second-generation contract with the ministers of culture and industry for the period 2023-2027. Here is a look at the contract’s main strategic directions.


A sector that testifies to its dynamism and the good cohesion of its players. On Wednesday, March 29, the Comité Stratégique de Filière (CSF) Mode et Luxe, chaired by Guillaume de Seynes (Hermès), signed the second generation of the committee’s contract with Rima Abdul-Malak, Minister of Culture, and Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry.


Gathered at the Made in France trade show, held at the Carreau du Temple in Paris on March 29 and 30, the ministers praised the commitment of the CSF Fashion and Luxury and all stakeholders. “Few industries in France are as organized as you are, with major players who ensure that small ones can emerge”, said Roland Lescure.


The Fashion and Luxury sector is one of the first to carry this second generation of contract. In January 2019, the CSF had already signed a first strategic agreement with Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance and Franck Riester, Minister of Culture.


“This new contract is not a revolution, but the continuation of the previous contract in its ambitions and objectives, and especially its collective effort”, Frédérique Gérardin, the CSF Fashion and Luxury’s general delegate, explained to FashionNetwork. “Above all, this contract brings a new impetus, with new ministers involved and new personalities who have emerged on the side of the industry. We are facing challenges that are part of the long term.”


Twelve objectives in four main areas are set by the contract, which will cover the period 2023-2027, resulting from a co-construction between the ministries of culture and industry and the CSF Fashion and Luxury.


“These measures are concrete and pragmatic levers to develop and support our sectors in an environmentally sustainable framework”, said CSF President Guillaume de Seynes.


Training and attractiveness of technical professions


The first part of the contract deals with training. The Fashion and Luxury sector seeks to fill more than 10,000 technical positions throughout the country each year. The CSF therefore wants to promote the attractiveness of positions through new communication campaigns, including “With the industry, we have a future to make”. The initiative, launched by the OPCO 2i, is budgeted at around 250,000 euros.


The preservation, transmission and perpetuation of know-how is another lever of this axis. The sector contract wishes to experiment with a “fixed price” approach to better deal with the retirement of know-how trainers. Today, these are experts who are considered to be the keys to success. It is also a question of establishing training plans within the sector and between sectors, taking into account the challenges of digital technology and sustainable development. A budget of 300,000 euros has been set until next June.


Companies supported and relocated


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