1 min de lecture


Dear friends, dear readers,

Like every year, December is a moment for taking stock!


Without dwelling to much on the past, we have to look back from time to time to see the path we have taken. If I wanted to sum up 2019 in one word, it would be “renewal”: this year was an opportunity to show and strengthen the dynamism of Luxus Plus.


Significant work has made it possible to make some improvements in the content of your magazine: In this new winter 2019-2020 issue, just a few minor changes!


The graphics are more refined, full of softness for the eyes. It breathes… Our new editorial manager, Dr Evelyne Resnick, professor and graduate researcher at the Sorbonne, has also been working on some new features.


It is therefore with great pleasure that we are unveiling new lifestyle sections: Inspiration, The 7 Capital Objects, Address Books… which will enhance our investigations into the world of luxury.


Don’t miss our special report on innovation marketing.


In June 2019, Luxus Plus launched a new event, the Luxury Marketing Innovation Summit at the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Various panels and keynotes featured the pioneers of technological integration in luxury business models (from AI and robotics, through to VR and Blockchain) : They are put under the spotlight in this issue…


There are still many projects, the needs are great, but I am convinced that we will all be able to mobilize so that Luxus Plus always better meets your expectations!


We also have a small gift to thank you for your loyalty during all the year … Take advantage of -10% with the promotion code BONNESFETES until January 5, 2020 on your new  Winter 2019/2020 issue, that add to the -30% discount during the holiday season!


To take advantage of it, just click here to order your issue! It will be delivered directly to your home.


I cannot end this editorial without wishing Happy Holidays to everyone of you. May this new year bring you health and happiness, personal and professional fulfillment! And may 2020 be a great and beautiful year for Luxus Plus thanks to you!


Claire Domergue
Director of publication



Please click here to order the new Winter 2019-2020 issue !



The editorial team

Thanks to its extensive knowledge of these sectors, the Luxus + editorial team deciphers for its readers the main economic and technological stakes in fashion, watchmaking, jewelry, gastronomy, perfumes and cosmetics, hotels, and prestigious real estate.

Article précédent

Video: The new Winter 2019/2020 issue of Luxus Plus magazine (update 22/01/20)

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Contemporary luxury: why and how to reinvent the brand strategy? (2/2) By Alexandre de Sainte Marie

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