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[Luxus+ Magazine] The Diane de Selliers publishing house: When art meets literature

Founder of a unique publishing house, Diane de Selliers has made her passion for books her profession, in which she flourishes day after day. Inhabited by the magic of words, her books are true and precious works of art. Enter the fantastic world of the discreet publishing house Diane de Selliers.


It was during a trip to the Belgian capital, where she was promoting a book on the Italian city of Florence in the 1990s, that Diane de Selliers‘ desire to devote herself to publishing was born. After falling in love with an illustrated edition of La Fontaine’s Fables found in a bookstore near the Grand-Place in Brussels, she decided to publish the same historic work in a more contemporary version.


Such treasures only make sense if they are shared,” she said to herself when she came across the Fables of this bookseller. Her modern reinterpretation of one of the most beautiful jewels of French literature was an immediate success30,000 copies have been sold to date. Diane de Selliers knew at that very moment that this art book, which she had worked so hard to create, would be the first volume of a great collection.


Fables de Jean de La Fontaine - Editions Diane de Selliers
© Editions Diane de Selliers



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Featured photo : © Diane de Selliers

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[Luxus+ Magazine] La maison d’édition Diane de Selliers : Quand l’Art rencontre la littérature

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