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[Luxus+ Magazine] Rome’s Colosseum gives access to its underground for the first time

Colosseum at sunrise in Rome, Italy


A new stage in the restoration of the Colosseum of Rome has been reached : the underground of the historic Colosseum of Rome began to welcome the public on June 25, for the first time in 2000 years.


The complete restoration of the Colosseum of Rome began in 2011 and has already required the intervention of over 80 experts, archaeologists and engineers. On Friday, June 25, thanks to the support of Tod’s boss, Diego Della Valle, the restoration of the underground crypts of the monument was completed and opened to the public for the first time in its modern history.


The Italian Ministry of Culture has revealed the result of years of work on this historic site, made possible by the support of the Department of Archaeological Heritage of Rome and thanks to the funding of the patron Diego Della Valle, present at the inauguration ceremony of the underground Colosseum.



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