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Rolls-Royce aims to go all-electric by 2030

Rolls-Royce will produce only electric vehicles by 2030, the luxury carmaker announced Wednesday.


The announcement follows the brand’s unveiling of the EV, its first electric luxury vehicle aimed at its most affluent customers.


The brand owned by BMW unveiled yesterday this highly anticipated car from Rolls-Royce, marking the beginning of the electric era. Named ”Spectre”, this vehicle would arrive on the market in the fourth quarter of 2023, while the tests are about to begin.


With this new product, we are setting our benchmark for the full electrification of our entire product portfolio by 2030,” said Torsten Muller-Otvos, CEO of Rolls-Royce. “By then, Rolls-Royce will no longer be in the business of producing or selling products with internal combustion engines.


The Rolls-Royce Spectre will play a key role in ushering in a new era for the British carmaker. Muller-Otvos stressed how well suited the brand is to supplying electric cars. The Spectre is the perfect alternative for customers looking for a modern luxury electric vehicle.



For the moment, no technical information on the Rolls-Royce Spectre has been released. The electric luxury car is expected to make a strong impression on the elite motoring clubs that cater to the rich and famous.


For Rolls-Royce, Spectre is just the beginning of a journey that should see the brand offering only electric vehicles by 2030.




Featured photo : © Rolls-Royce Motorcars

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