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Paris: The Paris Stock Exchange opens its doors to the Pinault collection on January 23, 2021

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Billionaire collector François Pinault welcomes us for the first time at the former Paris Stock Exchange on the occasion of his new museum on display from January 23, 2021.


Initially scheduled for June 2020, the “Bourse de Commerce-Pinault Collection” was to take place one year later in June 2021. It is finally next January that this unique exhibition of contemporary art will finally take place.


The global pandemic has heavily affected actors in the art sector in great difficulty, and it is to the delight of its followers that the exhibition will open its doors on Saturday, January 23, 2021: “This opening will contribute, after the hard year 2020, to the rebirth of cultural life in Paris,” said François Pinault in a statement to AFP.


The Musée de la Bourse de Commerce de Paris is completely redeveloping itself to house a unique and most important collection: the Pinault Collection, comprising more than 10,000 works by 380 different artists such as Charles Ray, Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons, as well as other artists from completely different generations, cultures and practices, dedicated to art from the 1960s to the present day.


“Debout !” exhibition ( Pinault collection ) © PHILIPPE RENAULT / OUEST-FRANCE


The collection will be further enhanced by the sumptuous concrete cylinder that is the Paris Stock Exchange, measuring over 9 meters high, designed by the Pritzker prize-winning Japanese architect Tadao Ando.


It was a first after fifteen years that the Frenchman decided to exhibit in Paris, to the great pleasure of enthusiasts: “With the installation of a new site for presenting my collection at the Bourse de Commerce, in the very heart of Paris, a new step has been taken in the implementation of my cultural project: to share my passion for the art of my time with as many people as possible.” he added.


François Pinault welcomes contemporary art enthusiasts abroad, notably in Venice at Palazzo Grassi and at Punta della Dogana, where he has held more than 27 of his exhibitions.


Jeff Koons, Balloon Dog, “The World Belongs to You” exhibition, Palazzo Grassi, 2011 © Lux & Jourik


Of Breton origin, François Pinault is gradually making his place in a world that is not his own: distribution and luxury. He single-handedly built up his fortune to become one of the largest in France, around the Kering and Artémis group and one of the most important exhibitions in contemporary art collection.


By hosting the Pinault collection, the Paris Bourse de Commerce became the first Parisian museum exclusively dedicated to contemporary art.




Featured photo: © Bourse de Commerce de Paris[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Paris : La Bourse de Commerce ouvre ses portes à la collection Pinault à partir du 23 janvier 2021

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