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McLaren: an electric sedan, future competitor of the Porsche Taycan?

With the appointment of a new CEO, the British car brand is reinventing itself. It is preparing its future by announcing a transition to electric vehicles.


The new head of McLaren, Michael Leiters, sees far ahead and thinks green. He is studying a possible transition to electric cars, after the hybrids. His predecessor, Mike Flewitt, had already announced the possibility of a future electric SUV.


Today, many companies in all sectors are more environmentally aware and are focusing on innovation. And in the automotive field, things are moving.


Towards electrification…


McLaren is in the midst of a transition and transformation, whether it be the engine or the car model itself.


After the McLaren Artura, the first plug-in hybrid model, McLaren plans to launch 100% electric vehicles that are practical for everyday use. The manufacturer, which specializes in high-end sports cars, has so far only presented two-seater models.


The company’s intention is now to make a larger vehicle that consumes less and better. Michael Leiters specifies that the objective is “to offer a better lifestyle and a utilitarian purpose“.


The executive announced a “green” project, the preparation of a new electric vehicle, less tall than an SUV and able to accommodate more people.


In an interview with Auto Express reporters, Michael Leiters said, “Words like ‘utility’ or ‘lifestyle’, you’re obviously going to come to certain conclusions. I think the key measure for McLaren is potentially something with the ability to share with more occupants in the car. Not necessarily a taller vehicle, but it could be.”


While all the details remain to be seen, he estimates that this model should be offered at over 200 000 pounds (230 000 euros). Last but not least, McLaren will not go it alone and will surely be accompanied by a technological partner : BMW. The German manufacturer had already brought its expertise during the development of the last hybrid car, McLaren Artura.


Other prestigious car brands are entering the electric race. The next McLaren electric sedan should be the perfect competitor to the Porsche Taycan.


Read also >GranTurismo Folgore : Maserati makes its first electric vehicle official

Featured photo : ©Press

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