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[Luxus+ Magazine] M-commerce in the luxury industry : Big winner of the pandemic


The world of traditional commerce follows a fairly straight and constant guideline. This is why, despite the evolution of purchasing behavior, e-commerce has been slow to spread to the luxury sector. But today, we can see real investments by companies in the development of this channel.


And for good reason, according to Bain & Co, online channels represented 12% of the market in 2019 and should represent 25% by 2025.


If the volume of transactions for luxury brands grew by only 2% during the confinement, the loss of turnover for luxury will be 25% in the first quarter of 2020. Over the whole year 2020, the luxury market could thus reach between -20% and -35%. Therefore, to return to sales, luxury brands must more than ever ensure the development of their e-commerce.


Featured Photo : © Press

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[Luxus+ Magazine] Le M-commerce dans l’industrie du luxe : grand gagnant de la pandémie

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