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Luxus+ Magazine: Free shipping on all pre-orders of the Spring-Summer 2022 issue!

Pre-orders are now open for the new Spring-Summer 2022 issue of Luxus+ Magazine, which will be released on July 4th!


This new issue features the great entrepreneur and successful business leader Elon Musk, who can sometimes surprise the public with his many antics. In this Challenge section, you will learn more about the hidden side of the American multi-billionaire. From his rather complex childhood to his adventurous adolescence, not forgetting his many business creations, the major moments of his life have been reviewed in order to really understand the personality behind Elon Musk’s sulphurous character.


Thanks to several unpublished testimonies of his closest members, the smallest aspects, secrets and exclusive anecdotes on Elon Musk‘s personality will be revealed in this section. Discover what is the real hidden face of the American multi-billionaire.


Two briefs will also be present. A first feature “Body Neutrality” deals with the influencers defending this movement (which encourages women to feel comfortable in their bodies and to focus on achievements rather than on their physical appearance), Yoga and practical advice to embody this “neutral” lifestyle in everyday life. Several focus, an interview with Élodie Garamond, yoga teacher, as well as a shopping tour traces from A to Z the Body neutrality movement and its main characteristics. Other exclusivities such as the benefits of yoga on the brain, which few people suspect, or the effect of mental health on the skin, will be detailed here.


The second feature of the issue will be on “Fashion“, and will highlight some of the most incredible boutiques in Paris. Architecture and retail trends will be highlighted by architect Chafik Gasmi, founder of Chafik Studio, via an interview. Thanks to his expert eye, a sharp decryption of the architectural inspirations of the most beautiful stores in the Light City will be offered in this file. Come aboard a guided tour of the most beautiful Parisian neighborhoods and discover the Chanel, Dior, Lacoste and Camille Fournet boutiques or concept stores, among others.


Finally, without forgetting the gifts and inspirations pages, a portrait of the pastry chef Nina Métayer reveals her career path and her professional rise. From her beginnings to her ambitions, to her impressions and feelings as a renowned pastry chef, she revealed to us through an intimate interview what made her the inspiring person she is today!


Other exclusive interviews, focus and address book are waiting to be discovered!


The new issue of Luxus+ Magazine Spring-Summer 2022 will be unveiled at the Première Vision trade show, the most important fashion event in the world, which will take place in Paris from July 5 to 7. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to get it by clicking here to take advantage of free shipping!



Read also > The Luxury Journals – Special Geneva Watch Week 2022


Featured photo : © Luxus+

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Thanks to its extensive knowledge of these sectors, the Luxus + editorial team deciphers for its readers the main economic and technological stakes in fashion, watchmaking, jewelry, gastronomy, perfumes and cosmetics, hotels, and prestigious real estate.

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