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[Luxus Magazine] Brief History of Luxury : Grasse, world capital of perfume

Welcome to the enchanting world of olfactory luxury. Grasse, a picturesque town in the Alpes-Maritimes region of south-eastern France, has a rich and fragrant history that has shaped the perfume industry for centuries. Discover how this French town has become the world capital of perfumery, where art and science combine to create unforgettable fragrances.


The Journées du Patrimoine 2023 will kick off on September 16 and 17. To mark the occasion, the Domaine de la Rose de Lancôme will be opening its doors to the public, enabling them to discover the estate, the cultivation of flowers and, above all, its perfumery expertise.



Recently acquired by the brand, Domaine de la Rose de Lancôme comprises 4 hectares of organically cultivated fields, century-old terraces and even a distillery. The estate’s land is perfect for the blossoming of Lancôme’s beloved flowers. With this new acquisition, Lancôme wishes to contribute to the preservation and protection of this indispensable know-how in the world of fragrance: the cultivation of perfume plants in Grasse.


Located in the western part of the Alpes-Maritimes department, Grasse, in the heart of south-eastern France, enjoys a Mediterranean climate with pleasant temperatures. It’s a place where flowers can be grown locally, giving rise to a perfume-making tradition that has endured for centuries. The area is dotted with fields of tuberose, roses, jasmine and violets, making Grasse a natural setting for the art of perfumery.


Perfumed origins


In the 16th century, Grasse was renowned for its excellent tanneries, which supplied a flourishing leather trade. However, the tanning processes of the time gave off strong, unpleasant odors. To remedy this problem, local tanners came up with the idea of perfuming leather gloves with floral extracts. Catherine de Médicis, seduced by these scented gloves, made them a trend at the French court and among the nobility.



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Front page photo: © Press

Hugues Reydellet

Hugues Reydellet is a young and passionate journalist whose favorite subjects are economy, culture, gastronomy, but also cars, and sports. With a sharp pen and an insatiable curiosity, Hugues is constantly on the lookout for new hot information to report.

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[Luxus Magazine] La Petite Histoire du Luxe : Grasse, capitale mondiale du parfum

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