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Luxury: Spirit & Spirit launches a series of online masterclasses to boost brand creativity


A specialised agency in creative strategy for brands with high added value, Spirit&Spirit is launching a series of four online masterclasses led by Vadim Grigoryan.


In the midst of a health crisis, marketing teams may be disoriented and the future of certain brands may seem uncertain.


But it is precisely in this period of disruption that we have the opportunity to prepare for the future, inspire teams and build the foundations for the leadership of tomorrow.


The Spirit&Spirit agency is launching a series of four inspiring and innovative online masterclasses which will be led by its founder Vadim Grigoryan.


Vadim has been a creative director and an expert in brand cultural strategy consulting for 20 years. He supports visionary entrepreneurs, global luxury brands and institutions, such as Azulik, Evian Resort and Mugler.


This series of masterclasses will allow participants to broaden their perspectives on building an aspirational brand, beyond the usual marketing frameworks.


It will be particularly useful for marketers interested in emotional marketing, high value-added products and services, luxury, and creativity.


A first masterclass on the exploration of the notion of cultural agent offered!


The first masterclass in the series will focus on the exploration of the concept of cultural agent, with the ambition of bringing added value to the brand beyond transactional value.


This notion of cultural agency associated with the brand is a long-term strategy, having a considerable impact on marketing, which becomes all the more relevant in the context of post-coronavirus development.


Among the different topics covered: why and how brands should benefit from cultural engagement. But also the key strategies for engaging in art and culture. And finally, the key to achieving success for an artistic collaboration.


Brands have to bring meaning at every level of their experience, but it should be done in an entertaining way” , explains Vadim Grigoryan.


This first online masterclass offered by Spirit&Spirit will take place on April 17, 2020, at 3 p.m. Three other masterclasses accessible on request only will follow to complete this series.


More information on spiritandspirit.com

Contact: massimo@spiritandspirit.com

Click here to sign up



Featured photo: © Spirit&Spirit[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Luxe : Spirit&Spirit lance une série de masterclass en ligne pour doper la créativité des marques

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