3 mins lecture

Luxury retail : Lancel continues its conquest of innovation with Adyen

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The famous French leather goods company, which is always looking for innovation, more specifically in terms of payment methods, has teamed up with the Dutch company specialising in electronic payment: Adyen.


Despite its 144 years of existence and experience, Lancel represents tradition and modernity to perfection. The company continues to innovate and to file technical patents. Seniority is no obstacle in view of the industrial and innovative capacities that the brand has demonstrated, innovation being part of its values, along with fantasy and audacity.  


For example, in terms of products, we can cite the automatic lighter, the umbrella bag or the Aviona trunk. But it is in terms of customer experience and means of payment that Lancel excels today.


The health situation, which led to an acceleration of digital for the luxury sector, did not scare Lancel, but propelled it in the continuity of its revolutionary developments. Thus, since November, the brand has been testing in Lyon a virtual consultation service with live video thanks to Google Glass. This service enables customers to make an appointment with a salesperson equipped with these glasses and discover the products in the shop, or even get information on a reference


“Difficulties lead people to think differently, to innovate, and to come up with original ideas. We have grown in strength, with very demanding customers, particularly in terms of delivery times”, says Giovanni Bonatti, boss of Lancel.


“We have maintained a very innovative spirit, which is fundamental in our sector where the user experience is very important”, says Marco Palmieri, President of the Piquadro Group and the originator of this idea.


In terms of technological means of payment, the company is rising to the top of the podium. It was the first French brand to offer payment with Alipay et WeChat Pay in its Parisian shops in 2017. A strategy aimed at improving the customer experience, with the Chinese representing the leading international tourist clientele.  


Thus, the use of its two services, an integral part of Adyen’s payment method portfolio, marks the starting point for collaboration between Lancel and the technology company. Another collaboration for the Dutch startup, which already collaborates with Microsoft, Deezer, Zalando, Uber, Ikks, Spotify, Etam, Comptoir des Cotonniers… Lancel is one of the first luxury brands to integrate Adyen’s customer base and may show the way forward.


“As a merchant, I consider that mobile payment and the dematerialisation of means of payment are the future of commerce,” says Giovanni Bonatti. “The more transparent the payment is, the more the merchant can focus on the experience”.


Adyen then offers a wide range of functionalities, whether for online payments or for payments in shops, and this internationally. The company thus enables all means of payment as well as all channels to be grouped together on the same platform and on a single payment terminal.


Recently, Lancel has implemented the “Pay by link” functionality which consists in sending the customer a payment link (by email, SMS or Whatsapp) in order to allow him to finalize his purchase in a secure way.


Its international opening thus offers foreign means of payment as well as rapid currency conversion. The company also provides statistics to analyse customer behaviour.


The main concern of consumers with regard to online transactions is security. Many users fear that their personal data could be stolen and used by malicious people.


One of the most important points then and which constitutes an added value for Adyen is the fight against fraud. Through the use of a single platform, data is stored in one and the same place. The tool also enables the identification of the fraudster at the origin of the transaction thanks to an analysis of the transactional data and the activation for certain purchases of 3DSecure, the secure payment protocol.


“With Adyen, we are able to identify the customers behind each order, allowing us to block fraudsters, but more importantly, to reduce friction with our members. We are able to identify the customers behind each order, allowing us to block fraudsters, but more importantly, to reduce friction with our members,” says Michael Benisti, Head of Payments and Revenue Protection at Vestiaire Collective. 


Thus, the pandemic and the evolution of society are leading commerce to use new technologies that dematerialise means of payment. According to some forecasts, three technologies stand out and will define digital payment in 2021 : the network token, electronic wallets, and digital and QR collections. 


It is towards the latter technology that Adyen is moving towards, a system that is very widespread in China.




Featured Photo : © Lancel[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Retail de luxe : Lancel poursuit sa conquête de l’innovation avec Adyen

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