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LMIS 2021 : a keynote dedicated to the particularity of natural diamonds

As we announced, the LMIS 2021, which will be held on March 30, 2021 at the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in a hybrid format, combining physical presence and live-streaming, will be an opportunity for Mina El Hadraoui, spokesperson for the Collectif Diamant, to talk exclusively about the results of an Opinion Way survey for the collective. The subject? The generalization of seven terms used to designate a diamond. And the results are enough to make luxury jewelry professionals grind their teeth.


The mission of the Diamond Collective is to bring together the various French organizations dedicated to diamonds. The organization advocates the values of preservation and defense of natural diamonds, conceived as a very ancient product of the earth.



And the results of an Opinion Way survey worries the organization, which sounds the alarm on certain abuses and, concerning the risks of confusion when acquiring a diamond. And for good reason, the purchase criteria, which are based, among other things, on price, authenticity but also the origin of the stone, are questioned.


While the decree of January 14, 2002 stipulates the obligation of the term “synthetic” on diamonds produced industrially from carbon and reproducing the physical and chemical characteristics of natural diamonds, the emphasis is on the proliferation of designations that create confusion in the mind of the consumer.


Mina El Hadraoui will thus be able to deepen this drift during a dedicated keynote at the Luxury Marketing Innovation Summit on the theme of the circular economy, a practice advocating non-wastefulness and waste reduction. This will be an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of educating customers interested in buying a gemstone so that they are not duped. For the collective’s spokesperson, the circular economy in the diamond industry is based on notions of ethical practice, diversity and sustainability.


Rendez-vous on March 30, 2021, at the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, at 2 place de la Bourse in the 2nd arrondissement, face-to-face or remote, it’s your choice, the ticket office is still open!


Ticket prices range from 70 €, for the Early Bird Digital Pass valid until February 28th only, to 183 €, for a face-to-face participation.

Click here to register.



30 mars 2021, de 9h00 à 12h30


La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris (CCI Paris Île-de-France)

Salle de Bal

2, place de la Bourse

75002 Paris

Contactez-nous: Contact@luxus-plus.com




Featured Photo : © Press

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LMIS 2021 : Une Keynote dédiée à la particularité du diamant naturel

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