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[Luxus+ Magazine] La Terra Madre, an address for lovers of Italian cuisine

Luxus Plus Magazine has found the perfect restaurant for lovers of refined, typically Italian cuisine, La Terra Madre. Located in the heart of the Parisian capital, in the 20th arrondissement, this restaurant subtly combines conviviality and authenticity. A guaranteed escape to the south of Italy, more precisely to the Calabrian and Sicilian regions, where Rocco and Andrea, the two owners, come from.


La Terra Madre is not only a restaurant, but also a grocery shop and caterer.


The speciality of the house ? Pasta, of course ! But not just any pasta… with truffles, with 4 cheeses, or even with Bolognese. You’re bound to find something you like. The must : the homemade tiramisu, specially prepared by Rocco’s mama. Delicioso !



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Une publication partagée par laterramadre (@laterramadre)


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[Luxus+ Magazine] La Terra Madre, une adresse pour les amoureux de cuisine italienne

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