3 mins lecture

INTERVIEW. The Regions and innovation at the heart of the discussions at the 2022 Sommet du luxe

As previously announced, the 2022 Sommet du Luxe, organized by the Centre du luxe in partnership with Luxus+, will be held on May 12 at the Intercontinental Paris le Grand Hotel. According to Jacques Carles, Director of the Centre du luxe, the Regions, breeding grounds for exceptional know-how, and innovation, the driving force behind the digital transition, are the new martingale of French luxury. Interview.


Luxus Plus: You are organizing the 19th Luxury and Creation Summit on May 12 in Paris on the theme “Luxury in Transition: Dynamics, Influences, Talents”. Why this theme?


Because we are living in a time when transitions are present at all levels of the luxury economy, with various dynamics and influences throughout the chain, from creation to entrepreneurship, and also from production to distribution. With a very strong specificity of luxury houses that the Colbert Committee embodies, namely the need to preserve know-how, the true Ariadne’s thread of luxury houses. While bringing them into the 2.0, as Emilie Metge, president of Christofle, will explain very well. Finally, if luxury is a value-added hand and intelligence of the one who thinks the object, it is also the talent of women and men to keep alive the workshops throughout our regions. Hence the title of the 2022 Summit “Luxury in Transition: Dynamics, Influences, Talents”.


L. P.: What analysis do you make of these transitions?


These transitions have accelerated since the covid pandemic, and I am convinced that they will continue to multiply. Of course, we immediately think of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality or metavers, which will be at the heart of the sometimes contradictory debates on May 12. But there are also fields of scientific and managerial innovation, as well as absolutely fascinating sociological upheavals that will change the luxury economy in the years to come. From cobotics with Percipio Robotics to the world’s whitest gold with Daumet, and including materials made from non-petroleum-based minerals with Cogitech, French start-ups and SMEs are full of solutions that will make our luxury houses more dynamic and competitive.


L. P.: You are planning to open up the discussion with a geostrategic overview of the world today. Why do you want to do this?


Today, millions of people are once again confined to China, one market, Russia, is at a standstill, energy costs are rising sharply, inflation is making a comeback in a context of increasingly assertive environmental and societal demands and growing geopolitical instability. But what will be the impact of the war raging in Ukraine and all its attendant misfortunes and destabilization of the world? The scenarios are complex to imagine, from global chaos to lasting fractures. Of course, all the major luxury houses are experiencing enviable growth rates and stock prices, but it is undeniable that these factors will have an impact on the luxury economy in the months to come, but also on consumer behavior and the stability of society.


L. P.: Could you give us a preview of what will come out of this day?


Crossing the views of players in the various luxury sectors: fashion, jewelry and watchmaking, art of living, design, gastronomy, architecture with experts in retail and digital technologies … can identify trends. Two exclusive studies will be presented on the luxury market and consumers in the Persian Gulf by the Chalhoub Group and in China by Luxurynsight. Convergences appear. Divergences are emerging.


But when we ask ourselves about the transmission of traditional know-how, the relocation of part of the production or the competitiveness of French luxury, it is the advanced technologies and the commitment of our regions alongside craftsmen, SMEs and luxury houses that are able to provide answers.


This is why I will take as a preview of this 19th Summit the trend that our regions and science will be the best assets of French luxury for the years to come.


The Burgundy-Franche-Comté region is a particular example of this virtuous dynamic. Several actors of this region will testify in this sense.


So see you in Paris on May 12 and if you miss this date, let’s meet at the Royal Salt Works of Arc-et-Senans in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, on June 7 for the 2022 Luxury Talents Award Ceremony.


Practical information :

Sommet du luxe 2022

May 12, 2022

From 9.30 am to 5.30 pm

Intercontinental le Grand Hotel in Paris

Click HERE to subscribe to our special Luxury Summit 2022 Pack at the exceptional price of 514 € including VAT, including 1 entry + 1 premium membership (with a real value of 1 452 €, this pack allows you to save 938 €).

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Featured photos : © Centre du luxe

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INTERVIEW. Les Régions et l’innovation au cœur des échanges du Sommet du luxe 2022

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