3 mins lecture

French economy sees business climate improve in August

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According to a report by INSEE (the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), the business climate in France improved in August despite the Covid-19 era. As for the Medef (the French Employers’ Association) published on Wednesday a survey which revealed the optimism of business leaders about the economic situation of their company. Cross-analysis.


As a result of the containment measures, the French GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been severely disrupted.


But since August, economic activity has recovered strongly and the business climate continues to improve.


That said, it remains at a lower level than it was before the crisis, reveals INSEE.


The INSEE based its analysis on the responses of business leaders in the main market sectors.


For the month of August, the indicator stands at 91 points, 7 more than in July.


In addition, the employment climate continued its recovery, gaining 12 points over the month to reach 88 points.


The business climate, however, remains below its long-term average of 100 points, let alone its relatively high pre-containment level of 105 points.


This marked improvement is primarily due to the sharp rise in the balance of opinion on the evolution of activity over the last three months, common to all major sectors of activity,” explains INSEE.


Bosses worried about the economy, less about their own company


According to a survey published by MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France), French bosses are more worried about the French economy than about the future of their own business.


Thus, 44% of the business leaders questioned are optimistic about the French economic situation, while 74% are optimistic for their company, notes Ifop, which conducted the survey.


In the same vein, 97% anticipate strong or very strong repercussions of the health crisis on the economy as opposed to 54% for their company.


This survey illustrates “the pessimism of reason and the optimism of will” commented the president of the Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.


He also stresses that “the recovery after the containment has been rather good“, with a consumption that “held up well this summer even if there are sectors in great difficulty” and that “the month of August was more complicated“.


Finally, among the fears of business leaders noted by the INSEE in the coming months are at the top of the list that of a probable reconfinement, followed by an increase in unemployment which would limit the purchasing power of the French as well as the national and international economic situation which could therefore slow down activities.


At the same time, 17% are worried about their cash flow problems.





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According to a report by INSEE (the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), the business climate in France improved in August despite the Covid-19 era. As for the Medef (the French Employers’ Association) published on Wednesday a survey which revealed the optimism of business leaders about the economic situation of their company. Cross-analysis.


As a result of the containment measures, the French GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been severely disrupted.


But since August, economic activity has recovered strongly and the business climate continues to improve.


That said, it remains at a lower level than it was before the crisis, reveals INSEE.


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According to a report by INSEE (the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), the business climate in France improved in August despite the Covid-19 era. As for the Medef (the French Employers’ Association) published on Wednesday a survey which revealed the optimism of business leaders about the economic situation of their company. Cross-analysis.


As a result of the containment measures, the French GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been severely disrupted.


But since August, economic activity has recovered strongly and the business climate continues to improve.


That said, it remains at a lower level than it was before the crisis, reveals INSEE.


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