4 mins lecture

Les Talents du luxe et de la création : Who are the 2022 winners ?

Yesterday, Tuesday, the Talents du luxe et de la création ceremony, which rewards each year the know-how and excellence of designers and actors of the luxury industry, took place in the Royal Salt Works of Arc-et-Senans located in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region in the presence of many personalities. Back to the nominees and winners.


Last night, 17 Talents were able to leave with one of the plexiglass and patinated bronze trophies, created by the Bisontin artist Paul Gonez. Who are the winners rewarded this year by the Centre du Luxe et de la Création? Summary of this year’s awards.


Glenn Spiro, winner of the Talent d’Or 2022


The highest distinction of the ceremony, the Talent d’Or, was awarded to British jeweler Glenn Spiro. Known as “the jeweler’s jeweler”, his unique creations that combine precious stones and rare materials are considered in the industry as real works of art. The man who attracts the most famous celebrities has been rewarded for the extraordinary jewels he creates in his London and Geneva offices and for the permanent imprint he has left on the world of fine jewelry.


G by Glenn Spiro, La haute joaillerie devient pièce d'art à Saint-Tropez | Actualité Pure Saint Tropez : boutique, restaurant, plage, hôtel
© Glenn Spiro


Passionate about jewelry since the age of 15, he is now recognized around the world as an exceptional jeweler, where his jewelry attracts art collectors, businessmen, private clients and major luxury brands.


[#Live] Talent du luxe 2022 (@centreduluxe) : Le joaillier #GlennSpiro est nomine comme talent d’Or 2022. @bfc_region pic.twitter.com/q5CKwwQQBT

— LuxusPlus (@luxusplus) June 7, 2022


In another field, the Empreinte de l’année 2022 prize winner is Thibaud Crivelli, Perfumer and founder of Maison Crivelli, a French haute-parfumery brand established in 2018.



Following this, Emmanuel Sauvage, co-founder and CEO of the Evok hotel group, along with Octavio Pizarro, a Chilean designer, were both awarded the Talent de la Séduction 2022. Also nominated in this category were Eric Charles Donatien, feather designer, and Thomas Laurent Fontaine.



In her studio in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, Janaïna Milheiro creates unique pieces and small series made of high-quality bird feathers for art lovers and luxury professionals. As a builder of exceptional feather work, her singular and innovative know-how has enabled her to receive the Talent de l’Innovation 2022.


Les plumes de Janaïna Milheiro : un art très prisé par les stars de la mode
© Philippe Petit


The Talent de la Rareté 2022 prize was awarded to two winners, who came in ex-aequo. On the one hand, Anne Anquetin for Passementerie Verrier, accompanied by the passementier Yves Dorget and Valérie Blezot, passementier. On the other hand, Sandrine Tessier, enameller and creator of Haute-Joaillerie, also best worker in France since 2019.



Elected Best Worker of France three years ago, the winner of the Talent of Elegance 2022 is Manon Bouvier, straw marker and founder of the Lyon workshop Paelis.


Manon Bouvier, lauréate du Prix des Artisanes 2021 - Elle
© Manon Bouvier


This prize has indeed rewarded both a profession and an actress of a little known art craft requiring a very singular know-how. It is important to know that straw markers, who appeared in the 17th century, are today only about twenty in the world.



Finally, Nina Métayer, pastry chef of the Parisian establishment Delicatisserie, was elected Talent de l’Audace 2022.


© My B.


The event was held for the first time at the Royal Salt Works of Arc-et-Senans, an 18th century historic site classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And this choice is not insignificant. Nestled in the heart of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, the latter is the pride of the region, which is considered a breeding ground for talent and know-how for players in the luxury sector. In particular, it is the leading watchmaking region in France, with 60% of the national workforce.


La Saline royale d'Arc-et-Senans - Destination Loue Lison
The Royal Salt Works © Doubs Tourisme


The complete list of winners:


  • The winner of the Talent d’Or 2022 is Glenn Spiro, British jeweler


  • The winner of the Prix Spécial du Jury 2022 is Dani Royer, Watchmaker and President of Pequignet


  • The winner of the Prix Spécial des Métiers d’Art 2022 is Éric Charles-Donatien, Plumassier, designer and artistic director at Mad Studio


  • The winner of the l’Empreinte de l’Année 2022 is Thibaud Crivelli, Perfumer and creator of Maison Crivelli


  • The winners of the Talent du Management 2022 are Damien Couliou, General Manager of Alain Ducasse’s Manufactures Le Chocolat and Julien Tuffery, President of Atelier Tuffery


  • The Winners of the Talent de la Séduction 2022 are Octavio Pizarro, Designer and Emmanuel Sauvage, General Manager of Evok Group


  • The ex aequo winners of the Talent de la Rareté 2022 are Anne Anquetin for Passementerie Verrier and Sandrine Tessier, Haute-Jewellery Designer


  • The winner of the Talent de l’Originalité 2022 is Hervé Obligi, hard stone marker, founder of the Atelier Hervé Obligi


  • The winners of the Talent de l’Invention 2022 are Paul Berkmann, President of Bastille Day and Cyrile Deranlot, CEO of DAUMET


  • The winner of the Talent de l’Innovation 2022 is Janaïna Milheiro, Artisan designer feather worker


  • The winner of the Talent de l’Harmonie 2022 is Samuel Accoceberry, Designer and Art Director


  • The winner of the Talent de l’Élégance 2022 is Manon Bouvier, Straw designer and founder of Paelis


  • The Laureate of the Talent du Bien-être 2022 is Armand Heitz, Winegrower and farmer


  • The winner of the 2022 Talent de l’Audace is Nina Métayer, pastry chef at Délicatisserie




Featured photos : © Le Centre du Luxe et de la Création

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Les Talents du luxe et de la création : Qui sont les grands lauréats 2022 ?

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