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[Luxus+ Magazine] Discover the hidden side of Elon Musk in the new Luxus+ Mag

If we don’t think it’s necessary to tell you who Elon Musk is, there are many aspects to his personality that are hidden and buried. We have deciphered and revealed them for you in the new Luxus+ Mag.


The Hidden Face” is the title of the Challenge of the Spring-Summer 2022 issue, which highlights Elon Musk and is featured on the cover of the magazine. We have dedicated 10 pages to the man who turned 51 three days ago and who never ceases to surprise the public.


Although he has managed to build a successful economic empire with several successful multinationals, there are certain facets of the billionaire’s personality that arouse both admiration and criticism. We have traced his childhood, adolescence, career and achievements in order to reveal them all to you.



Click here to read the full article on Luxus Plus Magazine.


Featured photo : © Art Streiber/August

The editorial team

Thanks to its extensive knowledge of these sectors, the Luxus + editorial team deciphers for its readers the main economic and technological stakes in fashion, watchmaking, jewelry, gastronomy, perfumes and cosmetics, hotels, and prestigious real estate.

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[Luxus+ Magazine] Découvrez la face cachée d’Elon Musk dans le nouveau Luxus+ Mag

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