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[Luxus+ Magazine] Cop 27: Egypt at the heart of climate issues

The Cop 27 opened last Sunday in the seaside resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh in Egypt, and will end on November 18. It is the first time in 30 years that a world conference on climate is held on the African continent.


Egypt becomes, for this 2022 edition, the host of the Cop 27 for 15 days. After a summer marked by high temperatures, environmental and climate issues are more than ever at the heart of concerns. Egypt is one of the most affected and vulnerable countries in the face of climate change.


The threshold of a limitation to 1.5 degrees of global warming set by the Paris Agreement in 2015 already seems out of reach. At this new council, and despite the urgency, many countries are absent. Unsurprisingly, the presidents of China, Russia and India are not attending the event, but also, more surprisingly, the leaders of Canada and Australia.


In Europe, as in the rest of the world, this summer has given a glimpse of the climatic disturbances and the latent dramas induced. According to a UN report, the last eight years have been the hottest on record.


In this country of 106 million inhabitants, very densely populated as Egypt is, one of the main challenges announced is that of water. For by 2100, experts estimate that the number of inhabitants could reach 224 million.


Click here to read the full article on Luxus Plus Magazine.


Featured photo : © Press

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[Luxus+ Magazine] Cop 27 : l’Egypte au coeur des enjeux climatiques

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