Paris stock market buoyed by luxury goods

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] The CAC 40 has posted a record rise since the first quarter of 2022. Flirting around 7300 points, the market has benefited greatly from the good health of the


La Bourse de Paris portée par le luxe

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Le CAC 40 affiche une hausse record depuis le premier trimestre 2022. Flirtant autour des 7300 points, le marché a grandement bénéficié de la bonne santé du luxe. Mais

Chine : Louis Vuitton devrait augmenter ses prix jusqu’à 20%

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] La marque phare du groupe de luxe français, Louis Vuitton, projetterait d’augmenter fortement ses prix dans l’Empire du Milieu. Même si la nouvelle n’a pas été officiellement confirmée, la

China : Louis Vuitton should increase its prices by up to 20%

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] The French luxury group’s flagship brand, Louis Vuitton, is reportedly planning to sharply increase its prices in the Middle Kingdom. Although the news has not been officially confirmed, the


Marriott a bien fini l’année 2022

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Marriott bénéficie du dynamisme retrouvé dans son secteur. Le groupe hôtelier affiche de belles performances au dernier trimestre 2022, supérieures aux prévisions des analystes.

Marriott finished the year 2022 well

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Marriott is benefiting from the renewed dynamism in its sector. The hotel group has posted a good performance in the last quarter of 2022, exceeding analysts’ forecasts.