Le PDG de Carl F. Bucherer tire sa révérence

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Après douze années passées au poste de CEO, Sascha Moeri quittera Carl F. Bucherer fin juin. En raison de ses performances, il s’était aussi vu confier la responsabilité de

The CEO of Carl F. Bucherer bows out

[vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”administrator,editor,author,armember”][vc_column][vc_column_text] After twelve years as CEO, Sascha Moeri will leave Carl F. Bucherer at the end of June. Due to his performance, he was also given responsibility for Bucherer Fine