4 mins lecture

Alain Ducasse opens the doors of the Ecole Ducasse despite the sanitary context



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Despite the national health situation, starred chef Alain Ducasse decided to open the doors of his new cooking school on November 9: the École Ducasse, located in Meudon in the Hauts-de-Seine region of France, which is temporarily closed to the public.


Teaching the DNA of French cuisine” is the motto of the three-starred chef, Alain Ducasse.


The Ecole Ducasse is located in Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine) and welcomes for this new and first school year, no less than 220 students, 30% of whom are foreigners, a figure much lower than expected due to the closing of borders.


This establishment ranks among the most prestigious pastry schools in the country, particularly for its teaching staff, which includes a dozen professors, including the Landes chef Alain Ducasse and the resident chef Jacques Maximin, with 58 years of experience behind him. This school promises to produce true professionals of excellence.


This year, the school welcomes students for practical training, both initial and retraining, and offers two Bachelor’s degrees, the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree in three years.


Covid obliges, the school has been forced to close its doors to its students and to make them move to 40% teleworking, a means of “[emphasizing] the ability to bounce back in a context of crisis” according to Elise Masurel, the school’s general manager. She continues on the school’s program and on the “avant-garde vision of the chef, very much focused on eco-responsibility, short circuits, seasonality of products, respect for producers, which the students visit on their farms”.


The establishment covers 5,000 square meters, with a very clean design, and includes a total of nine workshops. It is one of the pride of the Landes chef who sees this establishment as “an aesthetic, resolutely contemporary place, [and] the culmination of a 20-year dream”. The training offers various courses, including management, culinary arts and pastry, at a cost of 37,000 euros per year.


Tara Habis, a 28-year-old architecture graduate from Lebanon, enrolled in this course to follow the teachings of this new school. Her objective? To be able to live from her two passions, architecture and pastry: “After losing my father in a motorcycle accident, I decided to do what makes me really happy: pastry” she told AFP.


Alain Ducasse is proud of this new project. Triple starred and businessman at the head of more than 30 restaurants, this French chef is asserting his name on the enormous empire that is the French restaurant business. The man also holds the position of president in one of his companies, Ducasse Développement, in addition to École Ducasse. It’s a real business that the starred chef has set up that has made Benoit-Etienne Domenget, the CEO of the Education Summit group, one of its main shareholders, holding 51% of the capital of the school since 2019, formerly named Ducasse Education.


Nevertheless, in recent years, the French restaurant industry has been the subject of numerous reports of sexual violence in the kitchen. Via social networks or the press, testimonies from victims have gradually surfaced, particularly from young chefs. However, no aggressor or establishment has ever been denounced.


At the end of September, a specialized website revealed the case of a young French-Japanese chef, Taku Sekine, who took his own life at the age of 39. He was one of the students of the Landes chef Alain Ducasse and testified before his death of sexual assaults, which were nevertheless never the subject of complaints.


The starred chief expressed himself on this subject by affirming that “mistreatment and discrimination, whether racial, physical or sexual, [are] completely unacceptable, towards men or women”. He also added that “[t]here has been violence in the kitchen in the past, yes, but it must stop, all this is reprehensible. It has to come to light, the people responsible, the accused must be judged”.




Featured photo : © Ducasse School[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row njt-role=”not-logged-in”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Despite the national health situation, starred chef Alain Ducasse decided to open the doors of his new cooking school on November 9: the École Ducasse, located in Meudon in the Hauts-de-Seine region of France, which is temporarily closed to the public.


Teaching the DNA of French cuisine” is the motto of the three-starred chef, Alain Ducasse.


The Ecole Ducasse is located in Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine) and welcomes for this new and first school year, no less than 220 students, 30% of whom are foreigners, a figure much lower than expected due to the closing of borders.


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Despite the national health situation, starred chef Alain Ducasse decided to open the doors of his new cooking school on November 9: the École Ducasse, located in Meudon in the Hauts-de-Seine region of France, which is temporarily closed to the public.


Teaching the DNA of French cuisine” is the motto of the three-starred chef, Alain Ducasse.


The Ecole Ducasse is located in Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine) and welcomes for this new and first school year, no less than 220 students, 30% of whom are foreigners, a figure much lower than expected due to the closing of borders.

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Alain Ducasse ouvre les portes de l’Ecole Ducasse malgré le contexte sanitaire

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