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[Luxus+ Magazine] A Short History of Luxury: The meteoric rise of Giorgio Armani in 5 key dates

As we celebrate Giorgio Armani’s 87th birthday, let’s take a look back at the long career and many accomplishments of this Italian designer. Between ambition, consecration and recognition, Giorgio Armani has succeeded over time in building an internationally recognized fashion empire. Here is the history of the designer in 5 dates.


Born in the small town of Piacenza into a modest family of Armenian origin and surrounded by his brothers and sisters, nothing predestined him to make a career in fashion: he grew up with the vocation of going into medicine.


After two years of medical studies, which he abandoned to devote himself to photography, he became a window dresser in Milan, at the same time as his passion for fashion began to make itself felt.


1961: The year Armani entered the fashion world


So, 61 years ago, Giorgio Armani took his first steps into the select world of fashion. Having found a job as a stylist at Nino Cerruti, he learned the ropes from 1961 to 1970. It was then that he discovered his true vocation: fashion design.



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Featured photo : © Giorgio Armani

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[Luxus+ Magazine] Petite Histoire du Luxe : L’ascension fulgurante de Giorgio Armani en 5 dates clés

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