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[Luxus+ Magazine] Jewelry: 5 sites where to find vintage jewelry

Today more than ever, second hand is very coveted. After bags, clothes and shoes, it is now possible, and even common, to find second hand luxury watches and jewelry. Your magazine Luxus Plus has found for you some sites where you can find vintage jewelry.




ICYMI is the acronym for In Case You Missed It, or, in French in the text, “Au cas où vous l’aurais manqué”. Founded in 2016 by Tiphaine, this website features antique jewelry, set with diamonds and precious stones. Passionate about stones and a treasure hunter in her spare time, the founder wanted to create this site to make quality antique jewelry accessible to all (or almost all): “I wanted to prove that it is not necessary to save for years to afford a ring, bracelet or earrings in precious metal set with a diamond or a colored stone.” For her, finding jewelry is about finding treasures, “nuggets” as she likes to call them in order to give them a second life. Be sure to check out her website to discover these beautiful, never out of style, well made and good quality jewelry. You don’t want to miss the opportunity!



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Une publication partagée par Icymi (@icymi_vintage)



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Thanks to its extensive knowledge of these sectors, the Luxus + editorial team deciphers for its readers the main economic and technological stakes in fashion, watchmaking, jewelry, gastronomy, perfumes and cosmetics, hotels, and prestigious real estate.

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[Luxus+ Magazine] Joaillerie : 5 sites où trouver des bijoux vintage

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