6 mins lecture

Training, traceability, environmental impact,…: what will change for the fashion and luxury industry

An employee uses a sewing machine to stitch a luxury Louis Vuitton NeoNoe handbag inside the fashion label's new leather goods workshop in Beaulieu-sur-Layon, France, on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019. Louis Vuitton plans to add roughly 1,500 manufacturing jobs in France over the next three years, ramping up production to feed surging demand from China and other emerging economies. Photographer: Balint Porneczi/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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According to an official government press release, two amendments to the strategic sector contracts (CSF) were signed on April the 26th in the company of several ministers: one related to the measures contained in the strategic contract for the automobile sector. The other, signed by Roselyne Bachelot and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, accompanied by Guillaume de Seynes, President of the Strategic Committee for the Fashion and Luxury sector, referred to the strategic contract for this same sector.


The document presents thirteen measures to reinforce the industry contract signed in January 2019, due to the challenges raised by the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This rider, addressing the axes of support for companies, aid for relocation and traceability linked to the challenge of developing sustainable fashion, concerns the Jewellery, Footwear, Sewing, Leather and Skins, Watchmaking, Leather Goods and Textiles branches.


What measures concern the Fashion and Luxury sector?


These measures are based on the observations made in the report “Relocation and Sustainable Fashion“, submitted to the government at the beginning of the year. First of all, they relate to training and recruitment. A new offer of “tailor-made” support for professionals should make it easier for them to join companies and to develop their skills in a targeted manner. The sector has set itself the objective of creating new learning paths to enable employees in the sector to continue to develop their skills throughout their careers.


Setting up support systems


Support and assistance for relocation were among the most important points in the report. 36 proposals were therefore submitted to the Minister for Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili. The Fashion and Luxury accelerator, supported in particular by Bpifrance but also the IFM (French Fashion Institute) and the ESCP school, should be confirmed for a third session. In addition, the Ministry of Culture should release the sum of €500,000 to support young brands, fashion designers and craft companies in 2021 and 2022.


In addition, a support module with Bpifrance will be deployed in the second half of 2021 for entrepreneurs wishing to relocate, to “map the value chains and define the relocation strategy”. In particular, a new tool for calculating manufacturing costs will be developed by the European Centre for Innovative Textiles, to enable them to conclude their relocation.


This new tool would therefore be useful for calculating “the cost of a product or collection in the three sourcing zones of France, the Mediterranean and Asia, in order to compare the real margin rates; the industrial cost price between labour cost and material cost, according to different hypotheses of labour productivity; the minute manufacturing cost, according to different parameters of equipment and productivity of the manufacturers”, stipulates the contract.


Traceability and reduction of environmental impact


Traceability and the environmental impact of the sector, subjects previously addressed in the industry contract in 2019, have become two more prominent themes in the recent months.


The rider notably highlights the desire to develop the value chain in order to favour raw materials produced in France, by carrying out a mapping of the sector. This concerns flax but also wool: “France would have the opportunity to find a privileged place within a European wool value chain. A change of model, which implies an evolution of breeding methods, is already underway and has required significant investments. In order to be fully deployed, it now requires the validation of economic models and product monitoring with the improvement of quality among breeders and in companies, the increase of treatment and spinning capacities, and the valorisation of wool and fleeces for non-clothing purposes.


Secondly, as traceability is becoming a significant issue for the sector, practices will become regulated. European work in this area will be closely monitored by the ITU, Defi and the CTC. Finally, in the continuity of the changes undertaken since two years on the traceability in the various branches of the sector, pilots will be deployed with companies as of this year in order to test the relevance and the effectiveness of solutions of traceability in clothing, footwear, linen and textile.


Finally, recycling, an important axis of the sector contract, is once again put forward with the Ademe (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management) and the eco-organisation Refashion in order to carry out a study on the search for outlets. The idea behind this study is to develop economically viable projects using the raw materials from recycling in other sectors such as construction and transport.


In 2019, at the time of the initial signing of the sector contract, it was recalled that the fashion and luxury sector was the country’s leading export sector, and that it represented 600,000 jobs and had a turnover of 154 billion euros, making it a more important contributor to the national GDP than the aeronautics and automobile industries. On the other hand, despite the sector’s considerable importance, many difficulties are felt at the time of budgetary decisions.


While some of these thirteen measures announce exciting projects for the sector, the whole does not meet the ambitions set out in the 36 proposals of the report presented by the Strategic Committee for the Fashion & Luxury sector at the beginning of the year.





Featured photo : © GettyImages[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row njt-role=”not-logged-in”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

According to an official government press release, two amendments to the strategic sector contracts (CSF) were signed on April the 26th in the company of several ministers: one related to the measures contained in the strategic contract for the automobile sector. The other, signed by Roselyne Bachelot and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, accompanied by Guillaume de Seynes, President of the Strategic Committee for the Fashion and Luxury sector, referred to the strategic contract for this same sector.


The document presents thirteen measures to reinforce the industry contract signed in January 2019, due to the challenges raised by the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This rider, addressing the axes of support for companies, aid for relocation and traceability linked to the challenge of developing sustainable fashion, concerns the Jewellery, Footwear, Sewing, Leather and Skins, Watchmaking, Leather Goods and Textiles branches.


What measures concern the Fashion and Luxury sector?


These measures are based on the observations made in the report “Relocation and Sustainable Fashion“, submitted to the government at the beginning of the year.


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[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]Featured photo : © GettyImages[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row njt-role=”people-in-the-roles” njt-role-user-roles=”subscriber,customer”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

According to an official government press release, two amendments to the strategic sector contracts (CSF) were signed on April the 26th in the company of several ministers: one related to the measures contained in the strategic contract for the automobile sector. The other, signed by Roselyne Bachelot and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, accompanied by Guillaume de Seynes, President of the Strategic Committee for the Fashion and Luxury sector, referred to the strategic contract for this same sector.


The document presents thirteen measures to reinforce the industry contract signed in January 2019, due to the challenges raised by the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. This rider, addressing the axes of support for companies, aid for relocation and traceability linked to the challenge of developing sustainable fashion, concerns the Jewellery, Footwear, Sewing, Leather and Skins, Watchmaking, Leather Goods and Textiles branches.


What measures concern the Fashion and Luxury sector?


These measures are based on the observations made in the report “Relocation and Sustainable Fashion“, submitted to the government at the beginning of the year.


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[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]Featured photo : © GettyImages[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column]

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