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[Luxus+ MAGAZINE] The Chanel salons redesigned by Jacques Grange


The mythical and mysterious Parisian salons of the House of Haute-Couture Chanel, at 31, rue Cambon, have fascinated many. They continue to animate the myth of Gabrielle Chanel, as it is a place full of stories and secrets. The history of the House of Chanel began just a few steps from the Place Vendôme and has continued ever since, this time with a makeover of its salons by Jacques Grange.


The prestigious Chanel salons, now part of the collective unconscious, still fascinate many. From the large mirrors to the Art Deco staircase, classified as a historical monument, and the famous passageway leading directly to Gabrielle Chanel’s flat, the entirety of its rooms makes it an emblematic place in Paris.


This treasure of French heritage is, however, about to be given a makeover. Like the Eiffel Tower, which is currently being given a makeover in a colour reminiscent of its youth, the Chanel salons have also been given a makeover. For this, they called on the architect and decorator Jacques Grange.


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[Luxus+ Magazine] Les Salons Chanel relookés par Jacques Grange

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