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[Luxus+ MAGAZINE] A carbon fibre pool table by Bugatti


Bugatti is back with an exclusive piece: a billiard table made of carbon fibre worth 250,000 euros. Bugatti, known for the creation of sumptuous cars that are as sporty as they are chic, has decided to innovate and offer something new.


This Bugatti billiard table was made in collaboration with IXO, a Spanish company specialising in the manufacture of carbon fibre objects for the luxury, engineering and even aerospace sectors.


© Bugatti


A new feature of this billiard table is the “self-levelling gyro technology”, which levels the table when installed on board a yacht. This technology is built into the table so that each of the legs can move to compensate for the movement of the yacht and thus keep the table level. This innovation is possible in only five milliseconds, silently and without any vibration.


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