2 mins lecture

[Luxus+ MAGAZINE] Birds in jewellery: the symbolism behind the stones


Delicate and luminous creatures, links between heaven and earth, birds have always provoked wonder. It is therefore not surprising that they are magnified in jewelry.


Populating our universe as well as our imagination, these sublime creatures are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. They enchant us, whether in mythology, through poetry or by pure and grandiose symbols such as the dove, allegory of peace. No doubt they attract jewellery artists in their creative research. But also, the birds, by their exquisite panel of colors, allow the latter a great possibility of expression. Between the lines, the forms, the tones or the gestures, the diversity of the species offers an infinite field of interpretation.


A little history


Revealing an exotic aesthetic, birds begin to arouse a strong interest between the XIX and XX century. They arouse curiosity and imbue minds with the image of travel and adventure. Their beauty led jewelers to represent foreign species like the Peacock Feather brooch by Mellerio. Unveiled at the 1867 World’s Fair in Paris, the subject of this exceptional piece was unprecedented for the time. In the same way, their power of seduction invited artists to conceive new imaginary creatures.


Moreover, Art Nouveau was a very fertile period for this theme. Between the irregular and sinuous lines or the flamboyance of the colors, a new aesthetic develops, visible for example in the swans of Rene Lalique with remarkable elegance. This new aesthetic is directed with the wire of the period towards more geometrical lines, simplifying the forms of the jewels of time. Inspired by other countries such as Japan, new birds appear in French jewelry such as the crane, symbol of longevity in the land of the rising sun.


The decline of the Art Deco period from the 1930s onwards brought about a change in the emphasis on jewelry birds. The creations become more sculptural and are treated in 3 dimensions. The dynamism is very sought after, contrasting with the previous synthetic stylization. Finally, in the post-war period, jewelers are also moving towards more modern forms with refined, even abstract lines.


Focus on different emblems


Beyond aesthetics, birds carry many cultural, symbolic and political references. For example, during the Second World War Jeanne Toussaint and Peter Lemarchand designed birds in cages for Cartier. This creation was a protest against the German occupation. At the Liberation, Boivin created a rooster that became the symbol of French independence. The “Lovebirds” by Van Cleef & Arpels celebrate the harmony and peace restored to the home after the war. From this image, many jewelers designed creations that embody the freedom regained. The eagle, meanwhile, since antiquity until today remains linked to power.


© Célia Mastorchio-Fabbri


Generally carrying positive messages, birds often represent joy, peace (symbol of the dove with an Oliver branch), fidelity and even love (such as the dove and the dove).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Find the full article on magazine.luxus-plus.com” txt_align=”center” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”READ MORE !” btn_color=”black” btn_size=”lg” btn_align=”center” btn_button_block=”true” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmagazine.luxus-plus.com%2Fbirds-in-jewelry-the-symbolism-behind-the-stones%2F%3Flang%3Den|title:%5BLuxus%2B%20MAGAZINE%5D%20A%20brief%20history%20of%20luxury%3A%20Blancpain%20revisits%20its%20Fifty%20Fathoms%2C%20a%20historic%20symbol%20of%20the%20fight%20against%20radioactivity||”][/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Featured Photo : © Célia Mastorchio-Fabbri[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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