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France : Geoffroy Roux advises companies to resist blackmail after the call for a boycott of French products

Geoffroy Roux conseille aux entreprises de “résister au chantage” après l’appel au boycott des produits français
Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux, entrepreneur francais. Chaque vendredi en deuxieme partie de soiree, Frederic Taddei recoit les personnalites qui font l'actualite. Paris,FRANCE-le 07/11/14/BALTEL_0920006/Credit:BALTEL/SIPA/1501021024

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Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, the president of the MEDEF movement, was the guest of Apolline de Malherbe on RMC. He called on companies to resist blackmail, following the call for a boycott of French products by several Muslim countries.


Asked about the boycott of French products in a number of Muslim countries, Geoffroy Roux said that “of course it is bad news for the companies that are established there, in the food industry, in luxury, in cosmetics, but there is no question of yielding to blackmail, there is a time when we must put principles before the possibility of developing our business, and therefore we are obviously totally in solidarity with the French government, and obviously, I call on companies to resist this blackmail, and unfortunately to suffer this boycott”.


The president of MEDEF warns against a total reconfinement which, according to him, would have disastrous consequences on the economy. He therefore encourages the public authorities in place to find a just middle ground in terms of restrictions, while allowing the economy to keep its head above water.


Indeed, given the current context and the resurgence of cases of COVID-19 on French territory, the threat of total reconfinement is more often mentioned in the media. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux considers that “if we reconfine totally, as we did in March, we are not risking a 10% recession, but a collapse of the economy. Why is that? Because when we confined in March, we had an economy that was in very good health, we were growing, the companies were in good financial health, they were doing well, and therefore they withstood the shock, (…) today they are very indebted and we risk going towards something very, very hard”.


For the president of MEDEF Geoffroy Roux, it is therefore essential “to find the right level of restrictions, intelligent, which allows the economy to continue”.


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Fearured photo : © Baltel/SIPA[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Geoffroy Roux conseille aux entreprises de “résister au chantage” après l’appel au boycott des produits français

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