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Ferrari produces medical equipment for hospitals in Italy


The Italian brand joins the fight against covid-19. After having already donated one million euros to the “Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale” in Modena, it is now participating in the manufacture in its factories of useful and necessary parts for breathing and ventilation devices for hospitals.


As the covid-19 pandemic affects the whole world, companies are taking part in the fight by changing their production lines in order to produce equipment useful for hospitals or the population.


Ferrari is the last F1 team to publicly announce that it has designed and manufactured valves for respirators and fittings for protective masks for medical personnel at its factory in Maranello.


The Italian brand also works with several companies including Solid Energy and Mares (a manufacturer of diving equipment).


The idea of ​​this collaboration is to allow the adaptation of conventional diving masks, so that patients suffering from coronavirus can benefit from a new respiratory aid.


Other equipment is also being supplied by the manufacturer to Solid Energy, which will use it to transform Decathlon diving masks into protective masks for healthcare workers exposed to the infection.


The “Concepts” department, usually dedicated to the production of vehicle prototypes at the Maranello factory, has thus been converted to the production of all thermoplastic components, thanks to the installation of 3D printers.


In a press release, the manufacturer announced: “In the coming days, Ferrari plans to manufacture several hundred pieces of equipment which are already distributed to some of companies, as well as to various Italian hospitals, including those in Bergamo, Genoa , Modena and Sassuolo. But also health workers from the city of Medicina, near Bologna, all with the coordination of Italian civil protection.







Featured photo: © Ferrari[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Italie : Ferrari fabrique des équipements médicaux pour venir en aide aux hôpitaux

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