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[Luxus + Magazine] The watchmaking house Baume and the high-end ski brand ZAG sign a new watch


The Baume brand, the latest addition to the Richemont group, unveils a new eco-responsible watch with an innovative design made with the materials of the French ski house Zag. An edition which includes only a hundred copies.


Carried by the success of their first collaboration, Baume joins the Zag brand a second time and continues to promote upcycling by once again affirming its desire to combine innovative design and eco-responsible awareness.


The new Baume x Zag Limited edition watch was produced from scrap materials from the Chamonix ski house Zag.


Find the full article on magazine.luxus-plus.com


Featured Photo : © Baume et Mercier



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[Luxus+ Magazine] La maison d’horlogerie Baume et l’enseigne de skis haut de gamme Zag signent une nouvelle montre

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