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The Haute École de Joaillerie launches two specialized MBAs

As true national and international benchmark for the jewelry industry, the Haute École de Joaillerie is also a training establishment over 150 years old. The school, which shares the building located rue du Louvre with The Union of the Jewelery Industry, welcomes two new MBAs.

By Luxus Plus


The Haute École de Joaillerie trains each year nearly 650 students and is organized around four training departments – Initial, Apprenticeship, Continuous Professional and International. It ensures an employability rate of 100%.


Two new specialized MBAs


The school is welcoming two new MBAs which will start next school year. The first is an MBA specialized in jewelry-making, manufacturing-production option. The second is an MBA specializing in jewelry management, creation-design option https://rankhaya.com/ไวอากร้าสำหรับผู้หญิง-female-via/.


The MBA specializing in jewelery management in the manufacturing-production option trains production managers who are specialists in manufacturing processes and capable of preparing, organizing and planning the workshop activity.


It is aimed at professionals who want to enrich their field of skills or embark on a project for setting up or taking over a business. It also concerns students who wish to build a career in jewelry.


“By its part-time rhythm, 2 evenings a week and Saturday all day long and at an optimal duration in the center (6 months) followed by a period in the company (6 months in internship), this program is coordinated perfectly within the framework of professional life. “, notes Bernadette Pinet, president of the school.


For its part, the Specialized MBA in Jewelery Management, creation-design option is structured to allow integration into management and leadership positions in the main creative sectors of Jewelery: artistic director, collection director, director of creation studio.


Its training in English (25% of the program) and its speakers who are recognized experts in the jewelry sector offer the program a global opening.


This training recognized by the State will deliver a certified Level 7 title registered with the RNCP, the equivalent of a master’s degree or a diploma from a major school (Bac + 5).



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