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Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 celebrates 10th anniversary

photo: Copenhagen Fashion Festival


Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 celebrates its 10th anniversary, and will be held from May 15 to 16, 2019. The event aims to highlight sustainabilty in the fashion industry.

photo: Copenhagen Fashion Summit

Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 aims to highlight the role of sustainability in fashion. The event gathers the most famous names of the sector and proposes debates and conferences about environnemental, social and ethical issues in fashion.

Copenhagen Fashion Summit will celebrate its 10th anniversary, and will be held from May 15 to 16 at Copenhagen Concert Hall. The Summit is organised by the Global Fashion Agenda, a leader forum in sustainable fashion whose objective is to change the way fashion is produced and consummed.

For the occasion, François-Henri Pinault, has been announced to be the first speaker. Kering’s CEO, a pioneer in the world of fashion, is known to be a leader when it comes to sustainability in fashion. As a matter of fact, the Kering Foundation for which sustainabilty drive its actions.

« I strongly believe sustainability makes good business sense. As a luxury group, we have a specific responsibility to act, to be vocal and to lead the way to create momentum. This is the right and only thing to do. We have to think of sustainability as the new normal”, François-Henri Pinault said



Date: May, 15 to 16, 2019

Place: Copenhagen Concert Hall, Copenhagen

More informations:  https://www.copenhagenfashionsummit.com/





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Le Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 célèbre ses 10 ans

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