1 min de lecture

Tony Pinville (Heuritech) explains how Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world of luxury

Tony Pinville, is the co-founder of Heuritech, a Start-up company specialising in Artificial Intelligence for companies in the fashion and luxury sector. The company, which successively won the first innovation prize awarded by LVMH at the Viva Technology trade show in 2017 and then awarded by Galeries Lafayette’s Plug and Play incubator, can pride itself on being at the forefront of innovation. The reason? The company offers the world’s first deep learning service, one of the most advanced techniques of artificial intelligence, capable of predicting fashion trends thanks to the billions of images shared every day on social media. Interview.


Interview by Claire Domergue


You created Heuritech in 2013 following your meeting with Charles Orion, the company’s co-founder, when you were both doing a thesis on Deep Learning at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. How did you come up with this idea?

During our thesis, we realized that there was a huge potential to develop in the field of Artificial Intelligence, because the under-exploited technique of Deep Learning allowed us to do new things. This was a real technical breakthrough in terms of image analysis and we wanted to offer companies the opportunity to exploit this technology. In reality, there are relatively few links between the world of research and that kind of business, two worlds that rarely coexist, although they can contribute a lot to each other. Especially since research is full of countless resources that can benefit to companies.

Therefore, following our thesis, we embarked on the adventure. And we used the results of our research, knowing that in terms of image analysis, there were some extremely interesting things that were not yet sufficiently developed to be put on the market.


Can you explain to us what makes deep learning special, the artificial intelligence technique you use?

To sum up, Artificial Intelligence has existed since the 1950s, the systems were quite different and, at that time, with technological advances, it was thought that the machine would quickly equal the human being. But it was actually much more complicated. And much more sophisticated techniques were needed because the human brain is more complex than it seems.




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