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[Luxus+ Magazine] Harold Parisot (Chinese Business Club): success story and high-level networking

Harold Parisot is the founder of the Chinese Business Club, a very private business networking club that brings together prestigious guests every month. Harold Parisot explains to us how he became this mediator with such a diversified address book.


LuxusPlus : What has been your career path? Were there any key moments that contributed to your current success, and if so, how did you manage these opportunities?


Harold Parisot : After graduating from Essec Business School, I started my professional career with a period of employment interrupted by a trigger for entrepreneurship. I negotiated a contractual termination with my employer and decided to embark on the great adventure of the Chinese Business Club, which has now lasted for a little over ten years. The Club’s impetus was given when I managed to welcome the current President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, as guest of honor in 2015. A real spotlight on the Club that facilitates its premium positioning. I am convinced that opportunities arise when you know how to create the conditions for them to happen. I didn’t have any particular network to put me in touch with Emmanuel Macron, but I tried to make a phone call to the switchboard of his Ministry and thus opened a door. I think it is important to mention three essential principles in entrepreneurship: to remain open to seize opportunities at the right time, to accept to undertake and take risks without being sure of the result and, finally, to accept to make mistakes in order to learn from them.


LP : How did you build your professional network and how did it help you reach your goals?


H.P : I never stopped maintaining relationships with my former classmates I met in business school. And I applied this approach with my former work colleagues. I quickly became aware of the importance of a “sustainable” network because it is very easy to develop one’s address book but the key is to know how to maintain it. Building a professional network over time requires a few personal qualities such as empathy, which allows you to show a sincere interest in others and their interests, and above all patience, because building a network is a long and continuous process. This address book is an enormous time saver in the business world because it facilitates very direct exchanges with decision makers. It is a real business gas pedal because it can be multiplied infinitely if you devote the necessary time and energy. I like to “network” and it is well known that our successes are closely linked to the pleasure we get from doing our job.


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Featured photo : © Stéphane de Bourgies

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[Luxus+ Magazine] Harold Parisot (Chinese Business Club) : success story et networking de haut niveau

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