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Rolex plans two temporary sites before its move to Bulle (Switzerland)

While waiting for its installation in the city of Bulle, where it has acquired a huge plot of land, Rolex will temporarily settle in Romont and Le Vivier, two nearby Swiss towns.


Before concretizing its consequent investment in Bulle in 2029, Rolex will start up production lines in Romont, located near Bulle in the same canton. If all goes well, the factory should start up this year. Preparatory work is planned for the second half of the year. The necessary surface area is estimated at 9,000 m2.


According to a local media report, between 250 and 300 employees will be trained on the temporary site, before being relocated once the Bull factory is operational. In addition, from 2024, the Vivier, a technology park hosting Swiss and international start-ups and companies also located near Bulle, will also house other employees of the watchmaking giant.


In addition to these two temporary sites, Rolex will open this year a space dedicated to recruitment, in the vicinity of Bulle. The Geneva-based company’s objective is to increase its production capacity and train its employees before the long-awaited opening in 2029, which will create nearly 2,000 jobs.


State Councillor Olivier Curty, who is responsible for the economy, employment and vocational training, is delighted with this news: “The canton of Fribourg’s land policy is bearing fruit by meeting the needs of the economy,” he told a weekly newspaper in Bull. “This is an intermediate solution that allows us to keep the ambitious timing of this project.”


These temporary and strategic locations will allow Rolex to continue its development and maintain its production.


Read also >The Swiss city of Bulle sells land to Rolex

Featured photo : © Press

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Rolex prévoit deux sites provisoires avant son déménagement à Bulle (Suisse)

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